Saturday, May 9, 2009

what's Love?

What is love?
Do you really love me? I dont know... some things just dont tally...
I came to realise that the things on Facebook are so fake. Ppl arent truthful about alot of things. Perhaps that's what they say about the virtual world being so 'virtual'...

Does love hurt? It really hurts....It hurts so much that the heart doesnt dare to love nor trust anymore.. Would you dare??? Do time really heal the wounds??? Or is it just a cliche thingy to console ppl?

What is love? Does it mean stupidity or insanity?
What happens during anger outbursts? The person i love most becomes the person i hate most.
What is love? Is it treating each other as enemies when something goes wrong? Or is it trying to stand fr the other party's point of view to see from their point of view?
What is LOVE? Im totally lost.

It's been the longest time that i blogged... It's been the most happening days of my life during
these period of time. I really dont know how to describe but i can only say it's full of happiness mixed with anger outbursts and frustrations............God knows what has been happening and i hope i can survive and overcome.

Today i was on MSN with one of my ex-colleagues..we were chatting chatting and suddenly she told me our another colleague's ex-husband comitted suicide and passed away early this year...........for a moment my hair stood and later on i was scared. Someone you knew has passed thinking what gave him the courage to kill must have been something very depressing....have anyone of you ever thought of committing suicide when things didnt turn out well?

To be honest i did.

And i really did think and i did commit suicide before. It was many years back...What gave me the courage then to swallow panadols? I only remembered i was very very sad and i didnt want to live anymore. I was so so depressed it didnt take me long to empty the panadols in my kitchen's cupboard and put it in my mouth. As i was putting in one by became fun to be swallowing them...for ur info, i love to swallow wasnt hard for me to swallow pills at all. And wad happened next? I was so groggy and i was feeling so hot...and before i knew it, i dozed off. I woke up as usual the next morning but i was feeling very nauseous...but i just cant vomit. I carried on the day feeling sick but that's all i felt.Nothing serious. The next day i went to work...i was still feeling sick but this day, my back was aching BADLY. Badly as in B-A-D-L-Y. It was so bad i had to call my friend and he brought me to be hospital. I already lost contact with this friend, Jimmy, but i just want to thank him for making the effort to bring me to the hospital. In the consultation room,the dcotor scolded me for taking an overdosage of panadols...then she scared me by saying that she had a patient who had to change his/her liver (transplant) bcos the panadols damaged his/her livers. And then i was admitted... I duno why im sharing this but i hope by sharing i can bring some light into u ppl...the drama series are all fake. You dont die just eating an overdosage of panadols...i met this lady who was also admitted in the same ward as me...she took 100 over panadols and she still didnt die. LOL She was lamenting on how irritated she was when she found herself alive. (Can you believe it?) Her husband had extra-marital affairs and the usual story goes on...

Is it worth it??? I wont comment but there must be a reason u an i still exist? There are many times we wonder why are we caught in a certain situation and for a moment we wish we would die so that we didnt have to go through that. BUt, did that really happen for the sake of happening? Or is it so that we will learn fr it and move on? How would life be different if we were dead or didnt die?

Sigh...As for me....i realised i have alot of things that i have not fulfilled...I have heard of this before: The place on earth with alot of talents and potentials are in the graveyards(think of this sentence for a moment)....I thank God i wasnt one of them....and i pray that i will make use of my talents and bring forth fruit to benefit others. I also want to drill this into my head and hope it encourages you as well....what doesnt kill you makes you stronger! Keep on Keeping on!

Let's all work hard during this tough times!

You are the reason why....


Snow said...

Hi sis! I like this article that you wrote. It is really meaningful!