Sunday, August 2, 2009


IM so unhappy...nothing is happening the way i would like it to be...nothing is happening long must i be in this deep deep dry valley? I know i can CHOOSE to be happy, im trying but i really cant........
IM so extremely heavy burdened...i was told i have to be easy is that? It's NOT. How did i end up like this..i really dont know...well, then again it's all bad decisions....and my personality.I didnt know how to let go and i still do not know how to.........
when will i wake up and face the reality? I hope soon.

In the Festival of Praise, Pastor Mike says to shape my worries into a prayer...and STOP really trying...aft all im just human...

"Dear GOd,i hope you will give me wisdom and guidance to change my life because i HATE & DETEST my life now.......and i feel so trapped...when will i live in the life of abundance with you which you have promised? When will i feel joy,peace,love and everything good?You said you will give rest to the weary and heavy hearted...And i will CLAIM that promise. Because im so tired.......very very tired..............I was told You will collect the tears that i have shed and You will cry along with You then know how many pails, if not gallons of my tears have You collected? Do you really know?......"

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Im back!

I really dont know what to write.

BUt i thought it's been a long time i blogged.

Im having a tough time now. It's even tougher than i thought.

I pray that God gives me wisdom and guidance to make the right decision.
I pray he leads me on the right path and bring people to speak to me through them.

" know everything that has know everything.....where to now? I thought you said in the bible: " Let man not separate what He has put together?" But it comes so easily to him who once trusted you and depended on you so much. Im devastated..... Give me a preaceful heart that surasses all understanding and help me to overcome bcos thru You we are able to do ALL things thru CHRIST who strengthens me. In Jesus's name i pray....Amen.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

what's Love?

What is love?
Do you really love me? I dont know... some things just dont tally...
I came to realise that the things on Facebook are so fake. Ppl arent truthful about alot of things. Perhaps that's what they say about the virtual world being so 'virtual'...

Does love hurt? It really hurts....It hurts so much that the heart doesnt dare to love nor trust anymore.. Would you dare??? Do time really heal the wounds??? Or is it just a cliche thingy to console ppl?

What is love? Does it mean stupidity or insanity?
What happens during anger outbursts? The person i love most becomes the person i hate most.
What is love? Is it treating each other as enemies when something goes wrong? Or is it trying to stand fr the other party's point of view to see from their point of view?
What is LOVE? Im totally lost.

It's been the longest time that i blogged... It's been the most happening days of my life during
these period of time. I really dont know how to describe but i can only say it's full of happiness mixed with anger outbursts and frustrations............God knows what has been happening and i hope i can survive and overcome.

Today i was on MSN with one of my ex-colleagues..we were chatting chatting and suddenly she told me our another colleague's ex-husband comitted suicide and passed away early this year...........for a moment my hair stood and later on i was scared. Someone you knew has passed thinking what gave him the courage to kill must have been something very depressing....have anyone of you ever thought of committing suicide when things didnt turn out well?

To be honest i did.

And i really did think and i did commit suicide before. It was many years back...What gave me the courage then to swallow panadols? I only remembered i was very very sad and i didnt want to live anymore. I was so so depressed it didnt take me long to empty the panadols in my kitchen's cupboard and put it in my mouth. As i was putting in one by became fun to be swallowing them...for ur info, i love to swallow wasnt hard for me to swallow pills at all. And wad happened next? I was so groggy and i was feeling so hot...and before i knew it, i dozed off. I woke up as usual the next morning but i was feeling very nauseous...but i just cant vomit. I carried on the day feeling sick but that's all i felt.Nothing serious. The next day i went to work...i was still feeling sick but this day, my back was aching BADLY. Badly as in B-A-D-L-Y. It was so bad i had to call my friend and he brought me to be hospital. I already lost contact with this friend, Jimmy, but i just want to thank him for making the effort to bring me to the hospital. In the consultation room,the dcotor scolded me for taking an overdosage of panadols...then she scared me by saying that she had a patient who had to change his/her liver (transplant) bcos the panadols damaged his/her livers. And then i was admitted... I duno why im sharing this but i hope by sharing i can bring some light into u ppl...the drama series are all fake. You dont die just eating an overdosage of panadols...i met this lady who was also admitted in the same ward as me...she took 100 over panadols and she still didnt die. LOL She was lamenting on how irritated she was when she found herself alive. (Can you believe it?) Her husband had extra-marital affairs and the usual story goes on...

Is it worth it??? I wont comment but there must be a reason u an i still exist? There are many times we wonder why are we caught in a certain situation and for a moment we wish we would die so that we didnt have to go through that. BUt, did that really happen for the sake of happening? Or is it so that we will learn fr it and move on? How would life be different if we were dead or didnt die?

Sigh...As for me....i realised i have alot of things that i have not fulfilled...I have heard of this before: The place on earth with alot of talents and potentials are in the graveyards(think of this sentence for a moment)....I thank God i wasnt one of them....and i pray that i will make use of my talents and bring forth fruit to benefit others. I also want to drill this into my head and hope it encourages you as well....what doesnt kill you makes you stronger! Keep on Keeping on!

Let's all work hard during this tough times!

You are the reason why....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

MY other BLOG

haha...I have another blog which i sell some stuff which myself or my friends wish to sell..Some are totally NEW stuffs..whereas some are used but almost very new! YOu know some things are bought on impulse..and then you dont really use it at all? Great for the bad recession! Some stuffs are like LV bag...Charles & Keith bag....Gold colored Clutch 6 pieces manicure set (NEW & Great for gifts!)..

Do go take a look! U might find something you like! More stuffs coming up!

Im going to put up the the pics of hair extension pieces from Japan. They are absolutely stunning! Great for those who cant manage the braided on hair extensions and still want long hair whenever you like it! STAY TUNED! Here's the link:

Monday, January 19, 2009

@ Pet Station Jurong Point

This dog is soooooooo cute!!! I took the pic fr TV. LOL
That's how small the dog is.
Front view

Fr TV too! But Fae took it!

Lao Ah Ma - She's so cute and obedient!!! LUV her! MUACKS!


I really miss you...

A Jack Rusell i saw at Pet Station Jurong Point

Recently i have alot of ticks at home. Not that im rearing that( hehe..a joke)...but it was a consequence that me and my family have to bear because one of our family members werent responsible about it. He said he didnt have time and he has more important things to attend to.

Then why get the dogs in the 1st place?!!!!!!!! If you had intended to get a dog, BE PREPARED to spend time and effort to make sure the dog is happy and well taken care of!

I realised it's so so so important to think carefully before anyone buys a pet..And i HATE people who buy dogs just to breed them and sell them for money...or even to treat them as a plaything. Pets are pets because they meant to be a man's companion. They, too, needs love and care. They are emotional too and they want to be clean and fresh. How do you feel if you yourself is being locked up in a room the whole day and being bitten by leeches all over the body? Or you are just there becos you are meant for reproducing? Imagine yourself stuck in a smelly toilet with poo and urine all over!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel a sense of anguish and disappointment. They are such dear little animals...why abuse them??????

I once had a husky..she's the most beautiful husky ever...Her name is Phoebe. She was being placed in an ad to be given FREE. Free? Yes Free.

We found out that she had given birth several times and the owner didnt need her anymore. So she was GIVEN away. when she came to our home, she was thin and frail. She didnt look like the fat,nourished-looking huskies that you see on TV. She was very 'unfriendly' and she was afraid of ppl. God knows what was done to her?
I tried to find her pics but they are all gone...URGHHH..

I am really feeling so much now, i really feel like crying.
I wish for those irresponsible owners to get their retribution.
Today is another sleepless night.......

Oh, btw, i just burnt 4 huge ticks to death. They were as big as the raisins (if not bigger)...
PLease........people...think twice before you get yourself a pet. Imagine if you are the one being tortured/abused. How would you feel....


Bcos of this, i have decided to move out...i just cant bear to see it anymore...and i really hope the next place i stay would be a better place. Not expecting much. But at least a place where people
still can feel....anyway, it's time to start afresh!
I guess what i can do now is just to pray that God protects the dogs.....

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

After the show! Went to HK Cafe @ Cineleisure WITH my makeup!!!! It was the craziest thing i did...

Me & Makeup Artist
See the 'tattoo on the side of her eyes? So COOL!

Another MakeupArtist with her model

Very 'noisy' makeup room

Tattoo on the right side of my face

Is this necklace Not ok? They made me change it to another one..

Finally i found time to put up the makeup show pics...but it's not all...will post the rest when i have the time!!! It was so FUN!!! I began to miss the times in school when took part in singing contests and dancing for the Easter services in school...awwwwww....

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I'm so down today...

People can really be so malicious with their words...that they dont even bother about others' feelings...

And people can accuse you of doing something that you didnt without feeling any guilt themselves...

People can insist that the church is just a place to socialise,make friends, have dinner and go home...and it's not worth going..

But in my heart, i know it's not. But in my heart...God knows....

*smile* Because tomorrow's going to be a better day!!!

I need to get stronger for any other adversities!

God, i can TRUST you for greater days ahead!!!!
